Chamomile, Huang Chun Ju

FUN FACTS BN: Matricaria chamomilla. AKA  Baboonig, Babuna, Babuna camornile, Babunj, German chamomile, Hungarian chamomile, Roman chamomile, English chamomile, Camomilla, Flos chamomile, Single chamomile, sweet false chamomile, pinheads, and scented mayweed¹, 洋甘菊, 黄春菊(Huáng chūnjú). Chamomile tea can lighten hair.  It is the national flower of Russia.  There’s a chamomile lawn at Buckingham Palace. It’s a mild tranquilizer. CONSTITUENTS flavonoids, mucilage,…

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Hibiscus, Luo Shen Hua

FUN FACTS Botanical name: Hibiscus sabdariffa (Malvaceae).  AKA Roselle,  Luo Shen Hua 洛神花 or mei gui qie 玫瑰茄,  Agua De Jamaica, , Indici Flower. Native to North African and Southeast Asia.  The seeds, leaves, flower and calyx are all used. 2 The leaves can be eaten green, dried, or cooked as a vegetable.  Seeds are sometimes used as a substitute…

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Bitter Melon, Ku Gua

FUN FACTS BN: Momordica charantia  AKA 苦瓜 (kǔguā ), bitter gourd, bitter squash, balsam-pear, gohyah tea. In Chinese cooking, it’s often stir-fried, or used for soups.  CONSTITUENTS Contains beta-carotene, lycopene, zeaxanthin, carotenoids, momordin, vicine and charatin, peptide, cucurbitacins, glycosides, and alkaloid.   Vitamin C,  A, folate and small amounts B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, potassium, and fiber.  Flavonoids, coumarins,…

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