Chamomile, Huang Chun Ju

FUN FACTS BN: Matricaria chamomilla. AKA  Baboonig, Babuna, Babuna camornile, Babunj, German chamomile, Hungarian chamomile, Roman chamomile, English chamomile, Camomilla, Flos chamomile, Single chamomile, sweet false chamomile, pinheads, and scented mayweed¹, 洋甘菊, 黄春菊(Huáng chūnjú). Chamomile tea can lighten hair.  It is the national flower of Russia.  There’s a chamomile lawn at Buckingham Palace. It’s a mild tranquilizer. CONSTITUENTS flavonoids, mucilage,…

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Asparagus, Lu Sun

FUN FACTS BN : Asparagus officinalis  AKA 芦笋 (Lúsǔn), Sparrow grass.   It takes three years from seed to harvest.  Everyone makes “asparagus pee,” but whether one can smell depends on one’s genes.  China is the world’s largest asparagus producer.  Oceana County, Michigan is the self-proclaimed asparagus capital of the world.  White asparagus is regular asparagus grown without sunlight.  Purple…

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