Plantago, Che Qian Cao

  FUN FACTS  BN: (plantago asiatica) AKA 車前草 (Che Qian Cao), plantain, ripple grass, rib wort, rib grass. CONSTITUENTS   Aucubin (anti-microbial), allantoin (cellular growth and tissue regeneration), and mucilage (pain reliever). Plantain is an astringent.   High in calcium, vitamins A, C, and K. USES/BENEFITS  The young leaves can be eaten raw in a salad.  Older leaves, seed, and root can be washed…

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Chrysanthemum, Ju Hua

FUN FACTS Botanical name: Chrysanthemum morifolium, AKA 菊花 (júhuā), mums, In Chinese art, four plants stood for the noble ones or the Four Gentlemen, and represents the four seasons.  They are chrysanthemum ( autumn), plum blossom (梅花 méihuā , winter), orchid (兰花 lánhuā, spring) and bamboo (竹 Zhú, summer).  Chrysanthemum is the official flower of Chicago, Illinois since 1966. CONSTITUENTS Volatile oils(borneol, bornyl acetate,…

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